Monday, February 2, 2009

Early February Updates

The push is on to make it to our first show! Here are some recent bits of news:

Starting in February the Saturday practices now go until 4pm. We will still have a short break in the mornings, and add an extended break around 1pm for lunch.

The battery has music for the whole show, and individuals should be making progress playing through it. Letters A-D and F-G should be memorized by next practice (Feb 3), and you should have looked at G-H and I-K. Solo sections need to be looked at and worked on, but we will have time to refine them as we go along. Make sure to ask the staff if you have any questions!

The pit has gotten music for letters A-D, and should continue working through it and begin memorizing.

Audio for the show has been posted on the (private) school site, so make sure you have downloaded a copy and listen to it at least once a day. The more familiar we are with the music, the easier it will be to put everything together.

For everyone–keep working at it! Things are looking and sounding great so far!